Which wood for woodturning

The bowl shown was turned from a natural-edged live oak blank harvested from a tree base where roots meet the trunk. The natural edge is the "underground edge" of the tree facing downward. According to the turner, this wood turns wonderfully when green and doesn't split due to the interlocking grain. Padauk grows in tropical climates, although the geography changes from rain forest to dry, nearly treeless plains with each species.

Depending on the species, padauk's coarse-grained heartwood varies in color from a lustrous purple-red to orange-red. With age and exposure to sunlight, it turns deep maroon. Quartersawn wood features a pronounced ribbon stripe. Turning by Ron Lenz. Cocobolo Dahlbergia retusa belongs to the same genus as Brazilian rosewood, and in fact, has similar properties. Rosewood, however, likes South America's rain forests. Cocobolo prefers the drier, upland savanna country of Central America's Pacific Coast.

This wood is a well-known sensitizer that can produce a poison-ivy type rash or other reaction in allergic individuals. If you have an allergy history, work cocobolo with full protection: gloves, long sleeves, a dust mask, and a protective skin cream.

Reader's Choice - Top Woods to Turn. Save Pin FB More. Start Slideshow. Figured Maple. Pacific Madrone. Red Elm. Spalted Maple. Osage Orange. Quartersawn Sycamore. Bradford Pear. Live Oak Root. Replay gallery. Pinterest Facebook. Up Next Cancel. Share the Gallery Pinterest Facebook. Local wood can also give you some surprises.

After a heavy wind storm I was able to pick up of pieces from the clean-up crew and found out that another name for the tree is Basswood. Now I have some local wood that will be very light for turning Christmas tree ornaments and icicles.

Some shrubs can also grow large enough to provide turning material. Lilac can be quite large and turns to lovely colours. On the prairies Caragana was used to grow wind breaks. It has a lovely colour differential between heart wood and sap wood.

Local wood includes pallet wood. Several people have suggesting getting the boxes that foreign motor bikes are transported in. Lots of the other pallets in my area come from Ontario and are made out of Oak.

This is a heavy wood and the pallets are easy to turn into blanks for small spindle turning. Old barns and buildings are another source of wood. Pallets and barn wood have to be taken apart before use.

The nail holes with the iron stain add character to the wood but you need to check the wood very carefully for nails and staples and those kinds of things. Open your eyes and you will see turning opportunities all around you. I now live on acres of turnable wood. The white birch I found was too far gone in its spalting. The turning was progressing nicely then fell apart on the lathe. However the black birch that came home is lovely for turning and carving.

If you have a high sensitivity to wood dust, you want to avoid some species of wood like Walnut pine and some species of cherry. You should definitely avoid these species if you have asthma or respiratory irritations. Here is a helpful detailed article from woodcraft. I have seen all kinds of wood been used for wood resin projects and in my estimation any kind of would you have would work fine for your wood resin Project.

However, you want to use wood that has a bit of character and color to accentuate the epoxy pour that you going to do. I love working with my hands. From when I was a little boy, I loved taking stuff apart and trying to put them back together Most of which were unsuccessful and would only get me in trouble. This passion for working with my hands gnaws at me constantly and I enjoy starting new hobbies and learning something new and challenging. I feel a deep sense of fulfillment when working on something creative and that is why I started this Blog.

It is a way for me to experiment with several things that I have always admired like woodworking, epoxy projects and share my experiences and lessons along the way.

If you are new to woodworking, DIY, or any craft really, you may be wondering if you need to get a cordless drill, especially when getting started. I am getting into this space myself and have been If you are new to woodworking like I am, you might have wondered if you need to buy a bandsaw and at what point you need to buy one for your woodworking projects. I did a bit of research to find Skip to content. Maple Easy Closed Grain that allows you to get a good finish without difficulty. Great for turning bowls Difficulty in staining it especially when using dark dye and may need a bit of sanding to get a good finish.

Walnut Relatively easy It is a hardwood that turns easily if you are using your tool well. Great for turning bowls. Needs dustmasks 3. Cherry Medium Closed Grain that allows you to get a good finish without difficulty. Great for turning bowlsIts a favorite of many woodturners. It needs to be dried carefully to prevent warping and cracking. It has a naturally beautiful finish that does not require a lot to look good. Rosewood Can cause irritation to some people and you may need to use a respirator when turning it.

This wood is also hard and may dull your tools quickly. Boxelder Medium Sands easily and has a beautiful finish.


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