Why do you kill lucy in brotherhood

It would also have been compelling to see whether Lucy would eventually side with her friends -- Desmond, Shaun and Rebecca -- or the Templars, as she was clearly conflicted having served both sides in the past.

Lucy's desertion of the Assassins was also a response to her distrust of William Miles, a character who only appears after her death.

Originally sent to infiltrate Abstergo Industries, it is never explored in greater detail as to why Lucy decided to officially defect to the Templar Order. There were many different paths Lucy's story may have taken that could have proved captivating.

Sadly, her death was used in a half-hearted attempt to add greater depth to Desmond's dry personality. A range of possible storylines and three games' worth of character development for Lucy were thrown out the window in Assassin's Creed: Brotherood.

Surely her tale deserved a more complex and satisfying conclusion from Ubisoft. Cameron has traded the study of real life for fantasy worlds, and writing long-winded essays for something he actually enjoys. Throughout the series, characters have expressed the idea that Bill is difficult to form a relationship with. His own son severed all ties with him at 16 years old. Gavin Banks is furious when Bill leaves the Brotherhood to him and disappears.

It is clear that Lucy was not the only Assassin who had a negative view of William Miles. To Lucy, a woman who had been isolated since her teenage years, left alone in a place where her past had almost gotten her killed, it is unsurprising that she felt that Bill did not care about her — or Clay for that matter. Clay was being held prisoner by Abstergo — why would Bill not only allow that, but push Clay to do it? The Assassins had sent her on a mission and then left her to fend for herself.

Whilst everyone else was working in cells and had people to look out for them, Lucy Stillman was alone in a deadly organisation who were at risk of discovering her true identity at any minute — and they did. Even so, when Richard came to kill Lucy, Warren Vidic protected her. When was the last time William Miles had ever stuck his neck out for her?

Above all else, Lucy was a scientist and her scientific skills were being wasted with the Assassins. Hunting down Pieces of Eden was not what made her happy. But constructing an Animus from scratch? Using her research into cognitive neuroscience to create new technology? That was what gave Lucy true fulfilment. At Abstergo, she was a pioneer.

With the Assassins, she was simply another body that would eventually be added to the list of the dead. Sure enough, when Lucy did perish it was under the care of the Assassins, not the Templars. Lucy certainly had her reasons for defecting from the Brotherhood, but were her motives truly so simple? Lucy may be able to hide aspects of herself, but she would have to be a very talented actress to fake her friendship with Rebecca and Shaun.

Why would she? If anything, it seems as though Rebecca may have been the one person Lucy had minimal contact with in order to send her blueprints and information about the Animus. Shaun and Rebecca cared about Lucy. They made that clear. They were not the enemy and Lucy had no intention of hurting them. Then there were her subjects. Lucy knew she was betraying Clay, but she did not want to hurt him.

She swore she would continue to protect him, to honour her promise to Bill which is significant as she otherwise refuted everything the Assassins wanted of her. In fact, Lucy emailed Warren whilst she and the team were living in the Sanctuary to tell him she was afraid that they were pushing Desmond too far. She warned Desmond repeatedly to take more breaks, to stop over exerting himself.

Later, Lucy convinced Desmond that she was also an Assassin and was working undercover to learn more about Abstergo's plans. However, Lucy intervened and convinced them to keep Desmond for more testing, as his memories could still reveal more about the locations of the Pieces of Eden.

A few hours passed after Lucy and Warren left, leaving Desmond trapped in the lab where he had used his new skill to view Clay's hidden messages.

Lucy told Desmond that there was no time to waste, and that he had to get into the Animus to retrieve the memory core data.

Lucy wrote the data on a disk and, along with Desmond, fled the laboratory. The two successfully fought their way out of the facility and began their escape. They eventually found themselves confronted by more Abstergo guards , but Lucy quickly disposed of them. They continued onward through aisles of office blocks and Animi, until they reached another coded door. Unexpectedly, Lucy's access key did not work, but Desmond was able to unlock it through his newly acquired Eagle Vision.

As they entered the parking lot, they were blocked by more Abstergo guards, though the two fought them off and managed to reach Lucy's car. Lucy ordered Desmond to climb into the trunk for "[his] own protection," and when the journey was over, the pair had arrived at the Assassin hideout. There, Lucy told Desmond that she intended to have him train to be an Assassin, using the Animus 2.

As they entered the main room, Lucy's fellow Assassins, Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane, introduced themselves to Desmond and began preparations for the sessions. Later that day, Lucy evaluated Desmond's progress by tasking him with setting up the security system. In between sessions, they also discussed issues such as the Templars and the status of other Assassin teams. After Desmond had discovered the Vault in Rome through Ezio's memories, the alarm went off as Abstergo invaded their hideout.

When they encountered Warren Vidic in the warehouse, he reminded Lucy that he had saved her life, before sending some Abstergo guards to try and incapacitate them.

However, both Lucy and Desmond engaged in a fight with the guards, quickly defeating them. With little defense left, Warren climbed into the back of a truck, stating that the attack was only the beginning, before fleeing the hideout. As Desmond started to go after him, Lucy stopped him and said that they would eventually bring Warren to justice for what he had done, and that Abstergo would surely be back with reinforcements if they did not leave.

Following this, Lucy and the others evacuated the hideout, [3] though not before Lucy left behind several important updates on what they had discovered from Desmond, for Warren to find later on. The Assassins left in a van to hide in the mountains, and Desmond prepared to enter the Animus again to continue their search for clues. Meanwhile, Lucy continued to study the session notes to try to figure out what the message Desmond had received from the "goddess" Minerva had meant, telling Desmond that everything she had feared was starting to happen.

After a long drive, the Assassins finally arrived in modern-day Monteriggioni on 16 September, setting up their new hideout in the Sanctuary underneath the Villa Auditore. Lucy and Desmond opened the door to the Sanctuary by passing through the underground sewers and tunnels. As Desmond continued to relive Ezio's memories, he eventually discovered another message from Clay Kaczmarek. Clay warned Desmond that "she is not who you think she is" and everything he wanted "was already gone".

He instructed Desmond to find Eve and Eden , though Desmond was not able to fully understand what Clay meant. At this time, Lucy monitored Desmond's condition alongside the other two Assassins, but began to grow concerned that the Animus was having too great a toll on him. Warren replied to her through e-mail - while posing as William Miles - to not fail them now, as they had been waiting nearly a decade to get their hands on a Piece of Eden.

On October 10, , the team left to retrieve it. As soon as Desmond reached the Apple within the vault, Juno, who was aware of Lucy's true allegiance, took control of Desmond's body and warned him that "the cross darkens the horizon".

Desmond was then forced to stab Lucy in the stomach with his Hidden Blade, killing her. These events put Desmond under a great deal of emotional stress, and he fell into a coma as a result; [4] Desmond would later elaborate to the rest of his team that when Juno forcefully influenced him through the Apple, he had brief visions of Lucy's acquisition of the artifact and its ramifications.

He also stated that he could have fought Juno's hold on him but upon seeing the visions, he was reluctantly compelled to stop Lucy at any cost. Shortly thereafter, Lucy was buried in a small cemetery in Marino, Italy.

William admitted that he honestly could not guess, though he cautioned against believing her sincerity, saying that even he had believed Daniel Cross , who had betrayed the Assassin Order twelve years prior. Years later, in , the Assassins used a camera drone named Lucy during Shaun and Rebecca's London operations. In contrast to Warren Vidic's personality, Lucy was a warm and appreciative individual with a bright personality.

She always lent encouraging words and sympathy to Desmond, though this often annoyed him. On a few occasions, when Warren attempted to force Desmond to go deeper into the Animus memory, Lucy stopped him from doing so, and pleaded with him to allow Desmond to rest, as forcing Desmond to continue would cause more harm than good. However, it appeared that after Lucy left the Assassin Order, she became much more jaded and disheartened by the world. In a letter to Clay, she explained that William Miles was using them to fuel the war, while Abstergo cared about people and understood humanity's limitations.

However, she still showed Clay compassion, as she promised to protect him. Lucy proved to have a gift for deception, since she was able to hide her Assassin ties during her infiltration of Abstergo, and later, her affiliation to the Templars from her Assassin colleagues.

Despite her true allegiance, she appeared to show genuine care and compassion to her team, and her regrets about Clay still haunted her to the end of her life.


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