Why leukocytes is high in urine

This is the same test that confirms a bladder or kidney infection. This checks for certain pregnancy-related conditions too. One of these is preeclampsia , or high blood pressure during pregnancy. Protein in the urine and a raised blood pressure reading can indicate preeclampsia. UTIs are common during pregnancy, and doctors will often find leukocytes in the urine that suggest the presence of an infection. However, some women who are pregnant have a bacterial infection in the urine without symptoms.

A UTI can affect the upper and lower urinary tracts, the kidneys, the bladder, urethra, and prostate. Most UTIs cause manageable infections that an individual can treat with antibiotics.

The doctor may prescribe a range of different antibiotics, although they will only prescribe certain antibiotics to women during pregnancy.

More severe or serious infections with complications, such as abscesses, kidney involvement, or any infections that occur during pregnancy, may need more intensive treatment, including hospitalization. The doctor may need to change the course of antibiotic drugs once the bacteria are identified. Certain bacteria can only be treated with specific antibiotics.

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What are the causes of leukocytes in the urine and what are the signs and symptoms? In lupus treatment, a urinalysis is often used to monitor protein leakage and identify and assess urinary tract infections UTIs.

Most people with kidney lupus lupus nephritis will have an abnormal urinalysis. Protein, urine casts especially red blood cell casts , red blood cells, or white blood cells in the urine can indicate serious kidney involvement; leukocyte esterase may indicate a bladder infection.

A urine culture is performed to assess for a bladder infection and to determine appropriate antibiotics. Before giving a urine sample, ask a medical professional to counsel you on how to prevent contamination.

Several analytical elements of the complete urinalysis are explained below. In this portion of the analysis, the color, clarity, and concentration of the urine are evaluated. Abnormal colors can result from disease, certain foods, or contamination, so the physical examination is generally viewed as a crude assessment. Light or dark coloration also suggests how much water is being excreted. The clarity of urine is measured as either clear, slightly clear, cloudy, or turbid.

Urine clarity, like urine color, suggests that substances may be present in the urine; for example, turbid urine suggests the presence of protein or excess cellular material. However, accurate conclusions regarding the origin of the urine clarity cannot be drawn until further chemical and microscopic tests are performed. The physical examination also includes specific gravity, which measures the concentration of the urine sample.

Specific gravity compares the concentration of urine to that of water 1. Usually it is better for the urine given in a sample to be more concentrated; this allows the laboratory to more accurately detect substances being excreted by your body. If your urine is very dilute i. The chemical examination measures several features of the urine.

Either the laboratory technician or an automated instrument will then read the reaction color for each test pad to determine the result for each test.

The use of automated instruments helps to eliminate discrepancies that arise with human interpretation. The microscopic examination uses a microscope to identify and count cells, crystals, bacteria, mucous, and other substances that may be present in the urine. All information contained within the Johns Hopkins Lupus Center website is intended for educational purposes only.

Physicians and other health care professionals are encouraged to consult other sources and confirm the information contained within this site. If you do have leukocytes in your urine, your symptoms will vary depending on the condition that is causing the leukocytes to build up in your urine.

Obstructions in the urinary tract can cause a range of symptoms depending on the location and type of obstruction. In most cases, the main symptom is pain on one or both sides of the abdomen. Kidney stones may cause similar symptoms as a UTI but may also include nausea , vomiting , and intense pain. Women tend to be a greater risk for urinary tract infections, and, therefore, more likely to have leukocytes in their urine.

Pregnant women have an even higher risk. Men can develop these infections, too. Having an enlarged prostate , for example, raises the risk of UTIs in men. A normal range in the bloodstream is between 4,, WBCs per microliter. If bacteria are detected, your doctor may perform a urine culture to diagnose the type of bacterial infection you have.

A urine test can also aid in the diagnosis of kidney stones. An X-ray or CT scan can help your doctor see the stones. If you get recurrent UTIs, your doctor may prescribe a longer course of antibiotics and further testing to see if there are specific reasons for repeat infections. For women, taking an antibiotic after sexual intercourse may be helpful, but you should only take prescription medications as recommended by your doctor.

In addition to antibiotics, increasing your fluid intake can help flush out a UTI. Drinking more water may seem unappealing if urinating is painful, but it can help speed up the healing process. If an obstruction, such as a tumor or kidney stone, is causing the high leukocyte levels, you may need a surgical procedure. In the case of fungal infection, the doctor will prescribe antifungal medication, such as Fluconazole or Miconazole, according to the fungus identified.

If parasites are what caused the infection, the most common protozoan involved is Trichomonas sp. Problems in the kidneys such as nephritis or kidney stones can also lead to leukocytes appearing in the urine. In addition, there may also be crystals in the urine or, sometimes, red blood cells. Both nephritis and kidney stones may also present some characteristic symptoms such as back pain, difficulty peeing and decrease in the quantity of urine.

That way the doctor may be able to identify the reason for the increase in leukocytes in urine and start the adequate treatment. In relation to lab tests, a urine test will evidence a high quantity of leukocytes and a CBC will also help with diagnosis.


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