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Posted: Thu Sep 30, pm. So I know in Fable 3 who you marry is supposed to be important, but in 2 it never really mattered. So who do you tend to marry?
I also never liked the high class people, and tended to go for the people in Bowerstone or the prostitutes, just cause they had funnier lines. I also married the zombie once just so that I could say I did , but then felt really bad the rest of the game for taking the poor gravedigger's experiment The only one I recall marrying was Alex the female one.
Barton Lover 42, Points As a dude Hero, I married a ton of chicks including Alex then killed them all at some point or another sometimes during mass murder sprees--didn't want them to feel left out, you know? Which I find pretty cool.
You just can't do that as a Dude--not straight-like, at least. Thus far, the Bard is still alive. And no, it's not Roland. Although that would be cool if you could. I was disappointed that even as a chick, you can't marry Guards or Monks. Posted: Fri Oct 01, am.
Monks I can understand- they probably have a vow of celibacy. As for the guards, I don't know why you can't marry them. Magical Mage 11, Points 50 Mindless Nightmare.
I always marry the tattoo artists doesnt matter wether im on my good or evil pro, the only thing that changes is wich tattoo guy i marry on my good profile i tend to take the tattoo guy from the gypsy camp or something like that and then for the bad profile i marry the tattooist from bloodstone. Never married the corpse just seemed to weird lol Did anyone know you could have a 3 some in the game? Posted: Fri Oct 01, pm.
User Info: kirbydude. User Info: DarthFreeman. As many as you'd get for sacraficing a spouse. That's incredibly lame. Still, sacrificing a gay husband monk is fun! User Info: Lainge. Not gay Yeah that was really strange, but someone said they dissapear when you goto the spire.
Friend Code: Or your spouse in general? Would you wait around for ten years without word from your spouse? As for the monks, that's simply not true, if that's what you meant. Most of them just wear the same outfit, really. I don't think you can. You can give them clothes as gifts, but I don't think they'll wear them.
Someone can correct me if they made this happen. Looking for a woman that is something unique and no, not Lady Grey either. I forget the quest name. User Info: ashynioki. Randomly, some monks are bisexual, and will marry you, but of course you can't have kids with them if you are a male hero.
The only female monks I have ever seen are in Slave Rescue quests, but they disappear as soon as you save them and I can never find them again. To find out the status of a woman you want to marry, pull the left trigger to lock onto her, then press Y.
Just below her name it will say: poor, common, middle class, rich, or wealthy. Most of the women in Bowerstone Market are middle class, and nearly all of the women in Fairfax Gardens are rich. Unfortunately, they all look ridiculous. One more note: the people in a village are randomly generated when you start the game.