Who is patron saint of nurses

The term 'Patron' is used in Christian religions, including the Roman Catholic religion, to describe holy and virtuous men and women who are considered to be a defender of a specific group of people or of a country.

Fast facts and information about Saint Agatha the Patron Saint of Nurses A patron is considered to be a defender of a specific group of people or of a nation. There is a patron for virtually every cause, profession or special interest. Catholic Saints Index Patron Saints. Prayers to Saint Agatha the Patron Saint of Nurses There is a patron for virtually every cause, country, profession or special interest. Prayers are considered more likely to be answered by asking a patron, such as Saint Agatha the Patron Saint of Nurses for intercession on their behalf.

Charity and Patient Care According to Saint Catherine, the best way to get closer to God consists in taking care of the poor and sick people, since they are the categories that impersonate Jesus Christ the most.

Preserve me, O beautiful Love, from every evil thought; warm me, inflame me with Thy dear love, and every pain will seem light to me. My Father, my sweet Lord, help me in all my actions. Jesus, love, Jesus, love. You are a mystery as deep as the sea; the more I search, the more I find, and the more I find, the more I search for You. But I can never be satisfied; what I receive will ever leave me desiring more. When You fill my soul, I have an ever greater hunger, and I grow more famished for Your light.

I desire above all to see You, the true Light, as you really are. While reciting this beautiful prayer, you may help yourself by using one of our rosary beads. In particular, we propose this silver binding rosary with olive wood beads, a sign of humility in which this famous Saint grew up. When she was 21, she had an experience where she saw a vision of Christ marrying her and giving her a ring.

In this vision, she was told to help the poor and sick. It changed her life and from that moment forward she devoted her life to the sick. Her feast day is April Catherine is revered as the patroness against fire, illness, the United States, Italy, miscarriages, people ridiculed for their faith, sexual temptation, and nurses.

After becoming addicted to gambling, he became penniless in He turned his life around and devoted his life to caring for the sick. His confessor, St. Philip Niri gave him permission to be ordained and he founded his own congregation, the Ministers of the Sick.

He and his order also founded the first field medical unit as they ministered to wounded troops in Hungary and Croatia. Camillus was canonized in His feast day is July 18th. Elizabeth was born to royalty in Hungary. She is revered for how she used her position of power to care for the sick and destitute. She was born in Hungary on July 7, In , she married the love of her life, Ludwig. Together they had 3 children. While married, she advanced causes of charity and worked with the poor.


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