Trigger points typically fall into one of two categories: Active. These active trigger points produce intense pain in the body.
Where do muscle knots develop? Some common areas include: Neck and shoulders Lower back IT band area, which runs along the outside of the leg from the hip to the knee Calves Shins Causes of myofascial trigger points Charleston says there are several factors that can lead to painful trigger points, including: Injuries from overuse , heavy lifting or repetitive motions Poor posture , which often results from a sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise Tension from mental and emotional stress Direct injury such as a break, strain, tear, twist or strain Prolonged sitting or bed rest If you sit for long periods throughout the day, try this quick chair yoga routine or minute exercise " happy hour " to get moving.
Are myofascial trigger points dangerous? Physical therapists have a range of pain-relieving techniques, including: Therapeutic massage Therapeutic stretching techniques Dry-needling Low level laser therapy Electrostimulation Pulsed ultrasound Mechanical vibration Ischemic compression "Spray-and-stretch" cooling spray To prevent myofascial trigger points in the first place, take time to relax , increase your physical activity , take stretch breaks and walk as much as possible.
Related Stories. Stress management tips for a better life. Exercise for stress management. View all related stories. Get some Sports Massage? Nothing beats a really good Sports Massage to ease tired, tight and sore muscles. Try Acupuncture for pain relief. This is where a very fine needle works brilliantly and can sort the problem out.
The longer a muscle has been tight for, the more likely you need to get going with some good strengthening exercise for it.
This will help get more circulation directly into the muscle, and longterm will make it more resilient to stress and strain. So now you know what muscles knots are, why they happen and 4 simple ways to help ease them. If you are struggling with a muscular pain right now and would like some help, then click the link below to get in touch.
About us. What to expect. Our Team. Treating muscle knots can take time. Following are some things you can do to help break up the knots and find relief.
Allow your body to rest if you have muscle knots. Take a break from any activities that are causing the knots, or that increase your pain or discomfort. Dedicate as much time as possible to relaxation.
This may include sleeping longer than usual or lying in a comfortable position using pillows to support your body. Gentle stretching that elongates your muscles can help you to release tension in your body. Be gentle with yourself while stretching. For best results, hold stretches for at least 30 seconds, and release the stretch slowly to reduce your risk for injury. Aerobic exercise may help to relieve muscle knots.
If the knots are in your shoulders or neck, do jumping jacks, swimming, and any other arm movements that work the muscles in your shoulders and neck. This stretches the muscles and increases their blood supply. Increased blood supply helps repair damaged tissue. Using a combination of heat and cold can help to relieve pain and inflammation due to muscle knots. Cold helps to constrict the blood vessel, which reduces swelling.
To apply cold, use a cold compress for 10 minutes, and then remove it for at least 15 minutes. You can repeat this until you begin to find relief. Heat relaxes and loosens stiff muscles, and relieves pain. Heat may increase blood flow, which promotes healing. To apply heat, use a heating pad or take a warm bath. Alternate between cold and heat treatment, or use the one that works best for you.
Hot and cold therapy should be used in conjunction with other therapies. Muscle rubs help to soften and relax muscle knots. You can massage a muscle rub onto the affected area twice a day for cooling relief. You may need someone to help you apply to it difficult-to-reach areas. Find a formula that contains menthol, capsaicin, or camphor. Before using a rub for the first time, do a patch test.
The pain-spasm-pain cycle will continue until it is interrupted. One of the very best things to reduce and avoid knots is to lengthen and circulate your muscle groups through stretching and exercise that includes a wide range of motion for both large and small muscle groups. Ice and heat. If a knot is causing a movement pattern that has caused swelling, then using ice for minutes can help.
Applied heat or a hot bath can help loosen up knotted muscles. Foam Rolling. Foam rollers and trigger point balls are excellent at home treatments for knotted muscles. Pick up a foam roller at the Zama boutique. Avoid sitting while hunched over. Engage your core and extend your spine while you sit.
Consider adjusting your work station if it is preventing good posture. Take stretch breaks! Move frequently throughout the day and exercise your body most days of the week.
Consult your physician or an exercise professional to help you get started on the right program if you are needing assistance. Exercise not only makes you feel great, but it also prevents injury and aches and pains. Your muscles need circulation, movement and stretching.
Gentle stretching, yoga, pilates and swimming can help your muscles loosen up and strengthen at the same time. Dehydration causes a myriad of problems, including muscular injuries and knots.