Buddha and Empire State Of Mind like this. Posts: 1, Likes: 1, Joined: Nov 14, Apr 1, It wasnt the beef that ended eminem as we knew him. It was that fing foolish pride tape, that stripped him of everything and he was NEVER the same after that s I still dont understand today how he even made it out of what should have been a huge PR disaster. If that happened today he would have been castrated in public.
Buddha likes this. Apr 1, I still find it funny he asked for a truce then started talking s about him again. Posts: 3, Likes: 5, Joined: Jan 4, Apr 2, Right about what? He's right with that tweet that Revival is trash. Don't know about anything else though. I do know the guy is a moron and a racist. And fkn creepy, have you seen the guy?
He looks like some fing pixie r--ist on steroids. KingZ and eddie like this. Posts: 2, Likes: 4, Joined: Jun 4, Apr 2, KingZ , ComfortablyNumb , Buddha and 1 other person like this. Posts: 1, Likes: 2, Joined: Mar 2, Apr 2, Benzino still grasping for relevance I see. Z Gangsta likes this. No way. But as long as the color of his skin and his eyes fits what America wants, it's all right. He poked fun at things like Benzino's rapping skills, his age, his gangster act, and his weird business practices.
She is obsessed with me. I never would think I would see the day when I seen the worst rapper in the world going against one of the best.
By then, Benzino received tons of backlash from Eminem's fans and radio stations stopped playing his songs. Still, he had no intention of backing down.
He actually started to use his magazine as a platform to sully Eminem's name. Eminem was understandably furious by this point. He released the song "Go to Sleep" and not only insulted Benzino, but also included Ja Rule, who was beefing with rapper and Eminem's good friend, 50 Cent.
It actually helped spark a feud between the two publications. Ja Rule, who was on good terms with The Source had a bone to pick with Eminem. Especially since he signed his rival, 50 Cent, to his record label.
He also decided to form an alliance of his own by collaborating with Ja Rule on more diss tracks, including "Untouchable. By the end of , Benzino discovered an older record of Eminem's called "Foolish Pride," where he used racial slurs.
He shared the song through The Source 's website and also printed the song's lyrics in the magazine. Perhaps he thought he hit the jackpot with this find, but when Eminem addressed the disturbing lyrics and apologized, the fans forgave him.
Eminem released a few more diss tracks for good measure, taking jabs at both Ja Rule and Benzino. But in , he finally brought things to a close with his collaboration with Obie Trice for "I'm Gone. Seven years after the feud ended, Benzino appeared on RapFix Live and confessed that he made a mistake.
He said : "I can say it now, I was wrong for it. Because at the end of the day, Em is a great lyricist and he should be able to express himself in hip-hop as anybody should. Though he had strong feelings at the time about Eminem's race and privilege, he revealed how his views on hip-hop culture have changed since then: "Em's still doing his thing and he's still a great influence on hip-hop.
Hip-hop has bridged the cultures, white, black, Latino, Asian, it's for everybody. The reality TV star and record producer recently opened up about why he had such an issue with the Grammy-winning artist in the first place. He said : "At that time, I felt deep about what I was standing for. My thing is, hip-hop is the only thing that made white people come to the culture, buy into the culture, spend money, and also interact with the culture through hip-hop.
He continued: "Eminem is not in the culture that I'm from.