Why do people hate indiana jones 4

This film is brilliantly crafted, great acting, directing, Not perfect but very enjoyable Indiana Jones film. This film is brilliantly crafted, great acting, directing, special effects. Better for having been a different sort of film than being a crowd-pleasing rehash of past formula's.

The movie delivered exactly what you should expect from an Indiana Jones movie. Some over the top action with some supernatural elements. It was a fun two hours. CliffB Jun 15, I swear by the Ark of The Covenant, some people need to lighten up. I went to this movie expecting the worst and came away pleasantly surprised.

It's an Indiana Jones movie! Many of the criticisms are valid, however, so I will say it I swear by the Ark of The Covenant, some people need to lighten up. Many of the criticisms are valid, however, so I will say it once again: It's an Indiana Jones movie!

What are people expecting? Personally I was happy that they weren't fighting ex-nazis or some rehash of the old films. It was good to see something new. KM Mar 23, It's a decent enough sequel in the series, I don't think it deserves the harsh criticism the users are giving it, maybe it's just out-dated. Bullet97 Mar 6, What the heck is with all the negative critisism?

This movie is awesome! It feels exactly like an old fashioned Indy movie! Granted, its not as good as those movies, but who would expect it to be? The acting is great, the action is intense What the heck is with all the negative critisism? The acting is great, the action is intense and lots of fun, and the same adventurous atmosphere that made the others so much fun is back full throttle! Yes, it's very unrealistic, but what Indy movie is? Yes, I didn't really like the whole alien thing, but that's the only thing I didn't like about it.

Urbanlistener Jan 18, Pretty cool movie. The concept is interesting, the camera work is as always for a Spielberg film amazing, it is great to see Ford back as Indy and he is still great in the role, there some good to great moments here and there. Where it goes Pretty cool movie. Why does Indiana need a son anyway? Was it so the series can continue with his son as the hero?

Harrison Ford is playing his role perfect as usual, although he's getting too old for this. Marion is back and she gained a few pounds extra. The music is still good and there are some nice parts in the movie. But mostly the cgi is so bad and the movie feels like a parody on the Indiana Jones movies. Shia swinging in the trees with monkeys is the best example of this. Also the giant ants are clearly computer animated, It's like Spielberg and Lucas didn't even try to make it look real.

Also the whole idea about the aliens or beings from another dimension is so over the top. I read somewhere that this was the idea of Lucas, while Spielberg realised that the alien thing had been done plenty.

Unfortunately Lucas got what he wanted. They should have stopped after the original trilogy which was perfect. EpicLadySponge Jan 16, If aliens, Shia LaBeouf, and nuking the fridge aren't what you're complaining about, then yes; Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull will be as enjoyable as the first three movies.

Julleck Mar 27, There are some flaws I can ignore and some I can't. The diner fight though remains one of the most hilarious moments of Although it's not my favourite Indiana Jones, Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull provides a lot of fun and real Indy feeling.

The diner fight though remains one of the most hilarious moments of the entire series. Nomad67 Aug 14, This review contains spoilers , click expand to view. This film was actually pretty good. If you are demanding the first time thrill of seeing "Raiders" this film will never meet that expectation. I am mystified why so many reviews think this film is unforgivably bad. If you want bad, you don't have to look any further than Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

The sequence of two adults and a kid escaping a flying plane in an uninflated raft that then gives them an unpunctured toboggan ride to the middle of India It makes the nuked fridge seem downright clever. If you like the vicarious pleasure of a B-movie with Harrison Ford cracking the whip, you'll enjoy the film just fine. JP32 Mar 24, Some fans may have been thrown off by Indy 4's shift from 30s serial homage to 50s B-Movie homage, but at its heart, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is made up of the same ingredients as Raiders, Temple, and Crusade.

It's a fun movie but nowhere near as good as the 1st or 3rd, yet still better than the 2nd. The very low score negative reviews are exaggerated. If you like the original films, this is definitely worth it.

That said, even though the series is It's a fun movie but nowhere near as good as the 1st or 3rd, yet still better than the 2nd. That said, even though the series is supposed to be a throwback to similar historically and culturally inaccurate campy adventure films from the 30s to 60s, so being critical that it isn't realistic is misunderstanding the series, it does push the unbelievable and supernatural in this case, also sci-fi elements WAY too far, the worst in the series in that regard, even more than the 2nd.

They overused the green screen and computer generated effects. The Mutt character was really unlikable, don't think the issue was the actor, though not as awful as Willie from the second. Ox is never really treated like Marion's ex husband or Mutt's surrogate father. The Russian Soviet villains were not as interesting as the German Nazis.

The plot plays out pretty predictably. Wish they either used traditional film or a filter making it look like that rather than the blurry white glow filter. DaveY May 21, Huh, what the hell just happened? Just back from the Midnight premiere. Indiana Jones meets Mars Attack. Not to mention killer ants, sword fighting, and Shia LeBeauf swinging on vines with a gang of monkeys. I am extremely baffled. I really Huh, what the hell just happened?

I really am. C'mon Spielberg, lets try to keep Indiana Jones and E. And please god don't let Shia become the heir to the throne. End this series now, before you make it worse Entertaining simply based on the implausibility of every plot twist if you can call it a plot.

I sat there thinking "this might be the dumbest movie I've ever seen" throughout the entire ordeal, but luckily I remembered that I saw a Entertaining simply based on the implausibility of every plot twist if you can call it a plot. I sat there thinking "this might be the dumbest movie I've ever seen" throughout the entire ordeal, but luckily I remembered that I saw a free screening of Van Wilder 2: Rise of Taj.

Honestly, it seemed like it was just an homage to the originals with a trumped up cast Blanchett was absolutely atrocious. Hmmm, let me think for just a moment Better yet, how did they allow this script to get in the hands of Spielberg. Suppose they said,"The hell with it. I wanted to like this movie, but the interest just gets tired as it progresses. Sorry to all fans, stick to the originals. Worst movie I have ever seen.

I'm sorry I stayed up late to watch the premiere. Absolutely terrible. MattB May 22, This movie was horrid! On par with Crash Landing and Gigli Horrible, horrible, horrible. Do not see this movie! This was the movie I had hoped I wouldn't see. How could the critics have liked this? I want to know. What about this was good film-making? The dialoge was tedious, the script was terrible, and the editing and cinematography was This was the movie I had hoped I wouldn't see.

The dialoge was tedious, the script was terrible, and the editing and cinematography was flat-out laughable. Everybody who made this should be ashamed. I would have been pleased with a movie half as good as Temple of Doom, but wasn't even given that. Critics, please watch this film again, it is not a good film by any means.

It is closer to being horrible than good. I'm hurt that this movie was made. I grew up on Indiana Jones and this is the thanks I get? Robyn May 23, This movie was completely rediculous. The story line was boring and I was falling asleep in the theater, literaly. I dozed off and woke up to see Shia Lebuf winging with monkeys through a forest to get back to the jeep.

Then an X-Files This movie was completely rediculous. Then an X-Files moment accured and that is when I really wanted my money back. Do not see this movie in the theaters, wait until the dvd comes out, if you still have a desire to see this awful movie. I've seen the others, and this one was just terrible. Nov 22, After reading the reviews here I decided I should put my 2 cents in. If you didn't like it that's fine, but to blame it on the effects The originals are known for amazing effects, why wouldn't they do After reading the reviews here I decided I should put my 2 cents in.

The originals are known for amazing effects, why wouldn't they do the same here. I felt the plot and script were good. The story was great. The idea was fun and interesting. I felt it was a fine piece of cinema. Gamed2long Dec 21, There is a moment watching Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull when I realized that maybe seeing this film was a bad idea.

That moment occurred less than 3 minutes in when way too much time and effort was spent focusing on a CG There is a moment watching Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull when I realized that maybe seeing this film was a bad idea. That moment occurred less than 3 minutes in when way too much time and effort was spent focusing on a CG gopher, that did not look at all real.

It added nothing to the plot and just looked bad. Someone, somewhere made a bad choice leaving that in. In effect choosing cheap thrills over trying to make a good movie. There were a lot of things like that because it was the start of a long disappointing ride. My favorite moment in this film is when Indiana Jones rides out that nuclear blast in the lead lined fridge. He comes out the other side alive and in one piece.

Sure he gets the awkward scrub-down after. The end point of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull has Indy getting married and presumably settling down. Here's hoping Indy 5 has a better conclusion that that. Indiana Jones films are pretty simple chase affairs. Indy is told of a powerful ancient relic, finds out that some bad dudes want to get their hands on said relic and then he endeavours to stop them and make sure that the power doesn't fall into the wrong hands.

On paper, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull follows that formula. However, the film weighs itself down with needless story baggage. For example, there is no point to the FBI subplot whatsoever. Indy gets hauled in by government agents who suspect him of being a Communist the film being set at the height of the McCarthy era witch hunts. They also ransack his office and cause Jim Broadbent's Dean to resign from his post. Once the film gets underway, the FBI are forgotten about.

At the end, Dean Stanforth seems to still be working at Marshall College having hired Indy as the associate dean and everything's back to normal. There are numerous bits like this that distract from the main narrative and make the story baggy. There's a popular saying that a film is only as good as its villain. While not necessarily true in all cases, it certainly applies to the previous Indy films.

These are all memorable villains with clear motivations and reasons for us to hate them. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull has Irina Spalko, a highly decorated Soviet scientist and military officer, obsessed with using the power of the crystal skull to aid the Soviet Union win the Cold War.

There isn't much about her that's particularly villainous or charismatic. The overall plan is vague too. There are mentions of brainwashing, but it's not expanded on enough. We know that the skull has weird powers and sent John Hurt's Oxley crazy, but we're never given any real indication of the consequences of the skull falling into Soviet hands. It's hard to get invested in Indy preventing disaster when we don't really know what that disaster would be.

It's also tough to cheer a hero besting a bad guy you don't care about. Big action set-pieces are a hallmark of the Indy series. For decades, audiences have come to known the franchise as a place for globetrotting, adventure and death defying feats.

The giant boulder rolling after Indy at the beginning of Raiders of the Lost Ark is an iconic moment of cinema and a pop cultural touchstone. With all that in mind, it's baffling that Kingdom of the Crystal Skull has weak, run-of-the-mill action. Apart from a half-decent bike chase around the college campus, the action is mediocre, soulless and CGI heavy. There's a chase through the Peruvian jungle that has all the danger and tension drained thanks to weak CGI work.

Mutt swordfighting Spalko astride two speeding vehicles is ridiculous, but could have been fun. However, the scene is so obviously computer generated you're made very much aware that it was shot on a soundstage, ruining the immersion completely.

The earlier Indy films were triumphs of classic stuntwork and it's disheartening to see Crystal Skull move so far away from that.

The Indy franchise has never shied away from the darker side of things. From the melting heads in Raiders to nearly everything about Temple of Doom and Donovan's demise in Last Crusade , there are some gruesome and disturbing things contained within the first three films.

Put simply, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull plays it too safe. He's back in an all new adventure. Memorial Day Did you know Edit. According to stuntman Vic Armstrong , he had to pull Ford to one side and ask him to let him "do some work" because Ford was doing so much of the action himself.

Armstrong later said, "If he wasn't such a great actor, he would have made a really great stuntman. Goofs Some viewers have pointed out that Germans would never use a Rolls Royce for a staff car. They would have used a Mercedes-Benz or a Horch. However, this car was donated by an American traitor. Quotes Sallah : Please, what does it always mean, this Sallah : The dog? Crazy credits The Paramount mountain dissolves into a mountain in the American West.

Alternate versions In the Latin American Spanish version, the butler in the castle says " Connections Edited into Hollywood Burn User reviews Review.

Top review. The Last Crusade is the best of the Indy trilogy. It is the first film I ever saw in theaters and it's also the first movie I purchased on video. I even own the same, worn-down, beat-up copy and look upon it even more fondly than the widescreen edition, for sentimental reasons, of course but nothing beats the pristine quality DVD.

I think it's fair to say it's this movie that cemented my love of cinema, the high regard I hold for great escapism, which is sorely lacking from today's cinema; movies that should be fun now drag or bludgeon themselves with relentlessly awful scripts or MTV-style direction that turns relatively simple scenes into chaotic blurs. The Last Crusade may only be thirteen years old, but I think I can safely say they don't make them like they used to.

The rest of the film focuses on this ongoing journey between father and son eventually joined along by Sallah and Marcus Brody , complete with amazing action and stunt sequences, clever humor, and nasty but fun surprises.

The script, by Jeffrey Boam, takes a few cues from Raiders of the Lost Ark, but actually improves upon that story by paying more attention to characterization. The delightful opening scene all three movies really open with a bang, don't they? The story is engrossing because there's a lot of fun clues offered towards the location of the Grail and, thus, there's a lot of engaging little discoveries love the "X marks the spot" scene.

I'm quite certain, like with Raiders of the Lost Ark, the plot has a few holes, but they're fairly hard to notice, and I've seen this movie quite a few times, but maybe it's just my enjoyment of the film clouding that up. Either way, it speaks volumes in favor of Spielberg's direction and the performances. Given that action and adventure is the series' selling point, you can expect the thrills and wondrous delight of discovery delivered in spades.

The action scenes are terrific and matched well with John Williams' rousing, memorable score, also the best of the trilogy , the best being a fantastic ten-minute chase sequence on board and in a tank, possibly the best action sequence of Spielberg's career. The plot sees a world-weary Jones thrust back into saving the world from evil, this time perpetrated by Soviets. With an interdimensional crystal skull as their MacGuffin, the trio traverses the jungle to return it to the mystic city of Akator.

Unsurprisingly, Russians are never far behind.


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