Krillin wants to fight Mr. Satan but Android 18 says she wants to have the opportunity to beat him. The competition is about to start and Videl and Gohan's school mates are in the audience cheering Videl on.
Yamcha tries to break them up and gets knocked over. The first match is Krillin against Pintar. Pintar seems overconfident since he is four or five times the size of Krillin. Krillin does not seem worried.
Marron is worried but Yamcha tells her that Krillin will win. Once again it shows Piccolo worried in the corner of the room, anxious about Shin. The match starts with Krillin and Pintar and Pintar shows off while Krillin remains very confident. Pintar starts off with some tumbling but Krillin is still steady. Pintar tells Krillin to run home but Krillin just shakes his head. Like everything says he is?
User Info: copenhagenLongC. In an out of character match, piccolo would stomp supreme kai Hell has open borders. Heaven has a wall, a gate and a strict immigration policy. Ruin the left! User Info: Hanon When has piccolo ever feared fighting someone stronger than him? He knew he was helpless against the saiyans, actually he volunteered to help goku fight Raditz. He showed up to fight the cyborgs who were said to have killed him in trunks time, and was about to go fight buu before goku stopped him knowing he'd die.
The supreme kai even noted afterwards that piccolo sensed who he was. More often than not, Goku and his friends fight with the fate of the world at stake, facing enemies set on conquering and destroying worlds, or even ending all mortal life. Before fusing with Kami, Piccolo probably would have had no reservations fighting a deity close to him in strength. Hence when Piccolo first met the mysterious Shin, the encounter immediately gave him pause.
Giran liked to talk a big game and, to be fair, he did have the brawn to match. Goku then tested his increased might by breaking a part of the wall next to the ring; Giran, terrified, raised a white flag in surrender, giving Goku the victory.
Krillin immediately caught Piccolo off-guard in the World Martial Arts Tournament by firing two energy beams that followed Piccolo into the air. An intense fight with flying, eye beams and Kamehamehas ensued, but Piccolo eventually gained the upper hand by sneaking behind Krillin and knocking him down from the sky. Mark wrote: I can't wait for a future arc of Super where Roshi takes on a resurrected Raditz who achieved Ultra Instinct by watching Goku do it while he was in hell.
Kamiccolo9 wrote: Fair enough, I concede. Sean Schemmel probably has some kind of hidden talent. Maybe he is an expert at Minesweeper.
You're right; calling him "talentless" wasn't fair. Not that Kaioshin isn't stronger than Piccolo, but I don't think his power was a reason why Piccolo backed down. No one could sense Kaioshin's actual power, anyway. Then I thrust it! With great force! Every angle! It penetrates!
With great strength! In the end We are all satisfied And you are set free! Post by Presto88 » Sat Mar 28, pm I always thought the general consensus on this whole thing was that he was just showing "respect". Story wise it seems pretty obvious, plus its the whole reason Piccolo specifically was matched with him, he was the only one he could possibly grasp who he was dealing with.
As far as why I take this position, well. No one can actually sense Kaioshin's power due to nature of God ki. So how exactly can one be terrified of it? Although if he did sense who he was it is fair to assume that he may have made an assumption as to what Kaioshin was capable of and came to the conclusion that "their dimensions were too different".
He was prepared to fight at the very least SS Vegeta whom he couldn't have expected to hold back , Goku and Gohan who are definitely within the realm of strength physically that Kaioshin possesses I believe its fair to say he was not at SS2 level , without being terrified or afraid of their power.
It generally seems out of character for him to bow out like that Post by Dayspring » Sat Mar 28, pm It wasn't respect. Kaioshin bid him to have fun and fight him at the tournament.
Piccolo's response was to forfeit anyway. Respecting Kaioshin's wishes would have been had he respected Kaioshin's verbally given wishes. SSJ2 is double that strength.