Azuremyst isle how do i get to

Note: Requires The Burning Crusade expansion. Very little history is known of Azuremyst Isle and the surrounding islands. Not visited often by the night elves and tauren of Kalimdor due to their out-of-the-way location, the isles' indigenous creatures have been left to their own devices over the centuries. This is also the reason why the other races have not yet noticed the crashed dimensional ship that lies scattered across the islands, now used by the surviving draenei as a set of bases and outposts.

Some civilization did exist on the island before the draenei arrived. On the southern Silvermyst Isle , a dock and house of night elf architecture marks the dwelling of a family of night elves who made their home here. In addition, a clan of furbolgs live in the central island. Due to being so far removed from their cousins in Kalimdor , these furbolgs have remained uncorrupted, though they have recently been driven out of their ancestral holdings.

Additionally, ancient night elven ruins predating the Sundering are found scattered about both Azuremyst and Bloodmyst, all of them now inhabited by vile naga. The night elves have mostly abandoned these islands in favor of mainland Kalimdor. Arcane storms strike this peaceful area outside the coast of Kalimdor. Evergreens and purple flowers cover the land. The island itself is divided into two parts by a river running north-south, the eastern and slightly smaller region dubbed Ammen Vale , as it is sheltered by hills on all sides.

To the south lies Silvermyst Isle , close enough to reach by swimming without difficulty, and small enough to be considered part of the main island. Azuremyst Isle contains no dungeons, raid dungeons, micro dungeons, or battlegrounds. It is the starting area for the draenei and contains a very sheltered leveling area, Ammen Vale.

The draenei city, the Exodar , can also be found in this zone with a flight path to Bloodmyst Isle. It looks like a little white dialogue cloud I believe. She can revert time and bring the tree back Portal room to exodar is definitely the best way. But good to know in case you ever want to bring Darnassus back so you can hang out.

Gods, I miss that beautiful place. Damn, they could have accomplished the same effect a different ways than burning that tree!! Thx though. How do I get there as a horde player? I see the portal but cant click on it. Okaaay, I used Zidormi. It was super simple after that.

If you are entering the Vault of Lights from the Seat of the Naaru center , go left at the stairs and you will find two portals: one to Darnassus and the other to Hellfire Peninsula.

The portal looks like a hazy pink tent under a tree. From there you can take a Boat to Stormwind. The southern dock takes you to Stormwind. Take the boat south of the Exodar to NE place. Then take the southern docks boat to Stormwind. Edit: By south of Exodar, I mean directly south. Wait at the docks for it. Post by CalaelenDT. Just double checked, there is indeed a small harbor South-West of The Exodar that will take you to Stormwind City by boat.

Taking a boat from Stormwind will enable PvP, so opposing players can attack you. Take the boat on the right-most dock. The boat will arrive in Azuremyst Isle. Once you leave to go on your bigger adventure you can simply take a portal back there from Stormwind at any time. For Horde players they will have a little more trouble getting to Azuremyst Isle. He will take you back in time and allow you to access the teleporter that takes you to the Exodar.

This is important because some Horde characters still have quests to complete on Azuremyst Isle for their respective classes.


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